Saturday, January 2, 2010


In my first post it only seems right to welcome all newcomers to my blog. Most of you probably realize that my primary focus on this blog is to kick-start my career as a writer. I have a creative mind, but some of my family members recommended that I writer short stories in order to improve the overall quality of my writing. That is what I'll be doing here. I'll be uploading short stories as I finish them, and would greatly appreciate the feedback of anyone who visits this site. There is a comment section below each post, where you can leave your opinion and any advice you may have. If one of my short stories gets positive comments from enough people, I'll attempt to have it submitted to one of various writer/publisher magazines. They're always looking for short stories to publish, and that would help me to build my platform as a writer. I'll see you all soon upon uploading my first story, which is titled 'Art'



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