Monday, February 15, 2010

When I first started writing I was completely clueless. I didn't even want to get my first novel (still in the works) to be published, but as I saw the potential of my idea I decided to give it a shot. At first I was under the impression that you could just send your beloved manuscript off to a publishing agency and hope for the best. WRONG! As it turned out, the publishing process is extremely tedious, and overly complicated. 

You will have to first go through Literary Agents, or else a publisher will not even speak to you. For all the information you will ever need on how to get in touch with a Literary Agent, visit Agent Query. The link to this website can be found on the right side of the page in the 'highly recommended sites' list. More links will be added over time to help those people that have chosen writing as their chosen career-path.



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